We've been tweaking our Menu and have some yummy new pizzas available for Weddings, Parties and Events! This includes Dessert Pizzas such as "Camp More, Work Less" with fresh berries, maple syrup, balsamic syrup and fresh cream. Our range of new Gourmet Pizzas, includes "The Glamper" with...

We've just celebrated the most incredible Passata Day ever! For our friends Kate Berry and Rohan Anderson,  the traditional Italian tomato celebration is one of the most sacred days in their annual calendar. It is a special day where they crush, bottle and preserve their entire year's supply of...

Our first corporate gig, the Port Phillip Mussel Festival for the Bank of Melbourne. It was a seafood street party packed with non-stop music and buckets of local mussels. And yummy seafood pizza! Our pizza menu included a Seafood Special - a mix of prawns, mussels and calamari with napoli...

Happy belated New Year everybody! Our 2014 started on a high at NYE on the Hill, a 3-day camping and music festival set on a farm in Victoria. Happy Camper Pizza was invited along to feed the friendly, music-loving crowd. Our happy camper, Allegra, scored the most amazing...

Happy Camper Pizza has officially hit the streets of Melbourne, Australia! Our first night and the dough roller broke down, the oven malfunctioned and Remi was not a happy camper. But in the end he and his incredible assistants managed to churn out a few yummy pizzas. Thanks...

We are based in Melbourne but are always happy for new adventures